Unique Novelties was established in 1992 (was known as Uni-top Merchandising years before) and has steadily grown in market penetration by leading the industry in products and services.
We started this company back then when import merchandising was still very new in our market. We found a niche and gradually expanded our product lines to supply the demand. At present, we are still known to be the market leader and innovator in the industry.


We pride ourselves of being able to offer innovative products to our customers.  As one of the pioneers in the wholesale merchandise business, our company offers the widest variety of gifts and novelty products.  And, we are continuously expanding our product lines to better serve the Filipino market.


Provide our customers a one-stop shop for all their holiday gift-giving needs.


Dedication to customer satisfaction, through superior product quality and reliable customer support, remains the cornerstone of our success. This is accomplished through the development of partnership relations with our clients, suppliers, the environment and our employees. We continuously strive and innovate for new and better ways in which to meet the needs of our clients growing needs for products and services.